How to Properly Size an O-Ring the First Time Around
If you’re working on a project that involves sealing two surfaces together, you’ll need to use an o-ring. O-rings are small, circular rings made of elastomeric material. They’re commonly used in plumbing and mechanical applications to seal between two surfaces. To ensure that your o-ring seal is effective, you must use the proper size o-ring […]

Gaskets vs. O-Rings: Differences & Common Applications
Knowing the differences between the available seal materials is essential when choosing the right seal for your application. When selecting the proper seal for your application, you may wonder what the differences between gaskets and O-rings are. Both are common types of seals in various applications, but there are some key differences that you should […]

What are Spliced/Vulcanized O-Rings
Industry professionals know how important it is to keep their equipment clean. When it comes to keeping your equipment clean and free of leaks, spliced/vulcanized O-rings make all the difference. In simple terms, vulcanized rubber rings are combined with two types of rubber to create a single ring because this process produces a more durable […]

O-Ring Groove Design Guide
An O-ring groove is a circular cross-sectioned recess in a housing or mechanical device designed to hold an O-ring seal. The O-ring sits in the groove and is compressed during assembly, creating a seal between two surfaces. O-ring groove design is critical to the performance of the O-ring seal. When designing an O-ring groove, it […]

Food Grade O-Rings and seals-Materials Selection Guide
When it comes to food-grade applications, it is vital to choose a suitable material for your gasket or seal. High temperatures and harsh chemicals can degrade some materials, making them unsuitable for contact with food. You can count on Allied Metrics O-Rings & Seals, Inc. to help you choose the right food grade gasket for […]

How Does an O-Ring Work?
An O-ring, also known as a packing or a toric joint, is a mechanical gasket in the shape of a torus, a circular gasket with a hole through the middle to facilitate the flow of fluids, gases, or various process media. This simple and important component is widely used in numerous industries and may be […]